Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


FAB is a great and new blog founded by Christine Idokgoi

Making Good Use of Your Words!

Hope everyone is having a great holiday! As 2009 draws to an end have you thought about how your words have affected people throughout the year.

One of my favorite quotes says:

"Words kill or words give life--They are either poison or fruit, which one do you choose?"

FABULOUS BROWN GIRLS as we enter into 2010 (not only a NEW year, but also a NEW DECADE) lets make sure we use our words in these kinds of ways.

  • PRAISE -- This word literally means to commend. Try commending someone everyday. Thank them for what they are doing, have done, or are going to do.
  • ENCOURAGE--As BROWN girls, we need to encourage each other daily by giving words of support. You never know what someone may or may not be going through so your encouraging words may be just what they need.
  • COMPASSION--Be the one to speak confidence to someone who may be going through a difficult time
By doing these three things you are speaking LIFE into someone else!

Over time I have realized that negative energy is like a cancer.. if you are around someone who is always negative you begin to thing and behave that way as well. Instead of using your words to kill or as poison, always use them to give life to others as fruit.

You know the old saying However you want people to treat you, you need to treat people that way. Well, it is an old saying because it is the TRUTH!

So FBG's how did your words impact or affect someone else this year? Were they poisonous or were they fruit to others?

Monday, December 21, 2009

Are You a Honey Bee?

If you are a Fabulous Brown Girl then you definitely are a Honey Bee!

Honey Magazine is having an Ambassador Search for fun, flirty, and fashionable young ladies who want to represent their city at hottest events in your city.

Just send them an email of your photo and why you would want to be a Honey Magazine Ambassador. If you are a better talker than you are a writer put it in a vlog!

You must be 21 and up and available for the various trainings.

To learn more about this FABULOUS gig Click Here

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me!!

That's right!! This Fabulous Brown Girl turns 24 years old and I must admit it feels GREAT!! I feel so blessed that I have seen this day 24 times and get to spend it with special people!!

This is my last year in my "early 20s" stage before I hit the mid 20s and then .. knocking 30.

But like fine wine, trust and believe I will be getting better with age!

Have a FABULOUS Day!

HAPPY BIRTDAY 2 YA Stevie Wonder version!!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

FBG Spotlight: Vanessa and Angela Simmons

How could you not love them? They could be compared to the Hilton sisters, but they are Fabulous and Brown so that makes them better ;)

As we all know, Angela and Vanessa Simmons are a part of the lineage of Hip Hop royalty seeing as their father was 1/3 of RUN DMC. They were first introduced to us through the popular MTV reality show Run's House that stole our attention and made reality TV a family must see.

Now these ladies are hard core entrepreneurs and socialites on both the East and West Coasts. They took their privileged background and made it work for them where they can now empower young girls through fashion and being positive role models.

I notice that the more these ladies become moguls the more I respect them for what they do and how they carry themselves. They are truly FABULOUS BROWN GIRLS because they still have fun, get their hair done, shop, but understand the importance of being strong business women who acknowledge that they are role models and have younger girls who look up to them. They used their lineage to leverage their careers in the industry and own their own company all while being BFFs and sisters.

Here is a snippet of the interview:

Honey: Describe your style.

A: I don’t really have a set style because I don’t know how I’m going to feel in the morning.

V: You would be a very diverse dresser.

A: But that’s boring. I don’t want to say “diverse dresser.”

V: I made up my whole category. I’m versatile.

A: I don’t like to just go with what’s trendy right now. I’ll go back and pull stuff and say, “This was popular in 1995, I’m putting it on.” I’m all over the place.

Honey: Sneakers or stilettos?

V: Flats. Nice flat boots.

A: At this very moment, I would put on stilettos. That’s why Pastry is making heels.

V: But heels that can also be comfortable.

A: And I love sneakers. I’ve always been a sneaker head. But that’s what drives us to be able to do a line. We’re into that world. We’re into all of it. People often say, “I don’t understand why you don’t have your stuff on all the time.” Because I’m such a fashion-person that I could never limit myself to one lane. What I like to do is go shop and get inspiration to build up new stuff.

Check out their entire interview at Honey Magazine where they discuss their distinct personalities, being moguls, their style, and their relationships.

[Photos taken from]

Monday, December 14, 2009

In Case You Didn't See It: Christmas at the White House with Oprah

Last night Oprah's prime time special Christmas at the White House aired where Oprah interviewed the president and First Lady to discuss how they are doing Christmas and his current over job as President.

First Lady Michelle looked ever so FABULOUS and chic in her holiday attire and their display of Black Love as a marreid couple is still tremendously inspiring. I love specials like these beacause it reaffirms the emotions of joy and happiness that they are really our PRESIDENT and FIRST LADY adn ti wasn't a dream but infact reality.

IF you did not get a chance to watch this great special FBG has the entire thing in 4 parts. Enjoy!